THPRD is required to adopt its annual budget by June 30, the close of the preceding fiscal year. The annual budget is intended to serve as a financial plan, operational plan and operations guide for THPRD’s activities.
The budget is prepared and adopted by fund and organizational unit or division. Most budget changes after adoption require either a resolution by the board of directors or a supplemental budget process.
Schedule for preparing the 2025/26 budget:
February 6 - Publish notice & post notice on THPRD website
February 27- Midyear Budget Review Meeting (public input)
March 27 - Publish notice & post notice on THPRD website
April 11 - Deliver proposed budget to budget committee
April 17 - Budget Committee Work Session (public input)
May 15 - Budget Committee Meeting to Approve Budget (public input)
May 30 - Publish notice and summary & post notice on THPRD website
June 11 - Hold Public Hearing to Adopt Budget (public input)