Splash is a recreational swim team for ages 5 to 17. Practices are typically 45 mins two to three times per week. Practices consist of technique, endurance and speed training, sportsmanship, team building, and competitive swimming principles. Two meets are held each Fall, Winter, and Spring season, and three to four meets each Summer. Though swimmers are not required to attend every meet, participation is highly encouraged. Meets are part of the competitive swimming experience, being able to participate in the team atmosphere, cheering on other swimmers, and getting exposure to competition in a fun and safe environment is one of the main purposes of the Splash program.
What are the minimum requirements to participate in Splash?
The minimum requirements for participants are current Level 4 or above and strong crawl stroke and back stroke competency. Swimmers are required to be able to swim 25 yards (the length of the pool) crawl stroke and 25 yards backstroke with consistent technique throughout the distance. Breaststroke experience is strongly preferred.
Crawl Stroke: Coaches will be looking for correct and efficient streamline off of the wall at the start of the 25-yard swim. Coaches need to observe steady, consistent, straight leg flutter kick at the surface of the water, full arm strokes, with full extension at the start of the stroke, and complete pull past the hip, with an above the water recovery. Swimmers may have a straight arm or bent arm recovery (with the elbow high, leading the motion), as long as front quadrant swimming (one hand passing the shoulder before second pull begins) is present. There should be body rotation with each stroke. Head position should be neutral when face is submerged; head low in the water, face to the side, and top of the head pointing in the direction that the swimmer is going. Head should not be lifted at any time and body position is horizontal in the water throughout the length. Body position cannot rotate past vertical (rolling onto the back) at any point.
Backstroke: Like crawl stroke, swimmers will need to demonstrate back streamline off the wall. Body position should be horizontal in the water and there should be steady body rotations; kicks should be steady and consistent with long legs just under the surface of the water, head position should be neutral, arms move in an opposite manner with a straight arm recovery. Body position cannot rotate past vertical (rolling onto the front) at any point.
Every participant will be evaluated by coaching staff the first day of practice. For safety's sake and the enjoyment of each participant, if swimmers do not meet the minimum requirement, they will not be able to continue with the program at that time. We will do our best to find a more appropriate class for the swimmer, but success will be based on availability. We want all of our swimmers to be successful and enjoy their time in the pool, regardless of the stage of learning that they are in. Assessments prior to the beginning of the season are always welcome. Please contact your center for additional assistance with assessments.
If Splash isn't quite what I'm looking for, what are some alternatives that THPRD offers?
THPRD Swim Academy Levels 1-7 – Whether your swimmer needs basic safety skills, stroke practice, or higher level stroke technique training, but is not interested in the team or competitive aspects of swimming, there is a level for them. Please see the descriptions of each level in the THPRD Activities Guide, at thprd.org or call any of the THPRD swim centers.
Splash is offered at all year round THPRD pools and Somerset West and Raleigh Swim Centers during the summer session. Please call your desired center for practice schedule, registration availability, and level assessments.
Additional questions about Splash Swim Teams, contact Laura Kimura-Foreman at l.kimuraforeman@thprd.org or 503-629-6312.
Calling all Parent Volunteers!
Splash meets are run by our amazing parent volunteers. During warm-ups at each meet, parent volunteers gather for a brief training. If you would like to volunteer, please complete our volunteer application (in English & Spanish) to get started.
We are so appreciative to all of our volunteers and parents for your dedication to the success of this program!
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