The Equity & Engagement Advisory Committee (formerly the Programs & Events Advisory Committee) is composed of dedicated volunteers from within THPRD's service area. This committee plays a crucial role in advising on strategies to enhance equity, inclusion, community engagement, and a sense of belonging at THPRD. By providing guidance on programs, events, community engagement and facilities, the committee ensures our efforts reflect our commitment to equity, social justice, and access for all, both internally and publicly. Its broadened focus supports THPRD’s values by improving equity and inclusion throughout our services.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
Meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month, starting at 6:30 pm. Committees typically do not meet in July and December.
Public Notice:
The THPRD Equity & Engagement Committee meetings are being conducted electronically for now.
Public Comment: Testimony is being accepted for this meeting by email only. If you wish to submit testimony, please do so by 4 pm on the meeting date. Email testimony to Testimony received by the designated time will be read to the Commitee during Public Comment or the applicable agenda item with a 3-minute time limit.
Public Attendace at the On-Line Meeting: The public is welcome to attend the meeting on-line. To attend, please email by 4 pm on the meeting date, to express your interest to attend. You can also join via Teams. A link will be posted prior to the meeting.
THPRD recruits new volunteers to join the district's advisory committees each fall. Applications are currently closed and will reopen in September 2025. For future opportunities, applicants must be age 16+, live in-district and commit to a two-year term (starting January 2026) to qualify.
Have questions about this committee? Email Lulú Ballesteros, Equity & Engagement Manager, at and Emily Kent, Sports & Inclusion Manager, at