Players over the age of 17 and who have completed high school are invited to compete in adult basketball leagues at the Tualatin Hills Athletic Center. The district operates winter leagues and summer leagues.
Summer League
Summer registration will open April 10 and close May 12
9-10 game season will run from the last week of Mid-June through August
Recreational and competitive divisions will be offered
Games weill be played on weeknights between 6:20 pm and 10:00 pm, primarily on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Rosters & Eligibility
Rosters must include 8 to 15 eligible players. A team in need of players may call the Athletic Center at (503) 629-6330 for a list of players seeking a team.
All rostered players must have a valid THPRD ID Card. Players who are not current in the THPRD registration system and/or not on a team's roster are considered ineligible. Use of such players may result in forfeitures or league expulsion.
A player can ONLY be registered on one Tualatin Hills Adult Basketball team.
Option #1: Register and pay online
Cost: $720 per team
All players must have a current THPRD account
Out of district players must pay the summer assessment fee
Option #2: Bring roster and payment to the Athletic Center - No phone-in payment will be accepted. Managers can request a push to web payment by contacting the Athletic Center front desk, 503-629-6330, Geoff Schwind.
Cost: $855 per team
All individual players must have a current THPRD account
Out of district players DO NOT need to pay the summer assessment; it is included in the team fee
Participants are encouraged to forward any suggestions to the appropriate THPRD league coordinator. For more information about adult basketball indoor leagues, call or e-mail Jenn Chapin, Program Assistant or Geoff Schwind, Program Coordinator.
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