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Elsie Stuhr Center                                                           503-629-6342

         Getting the Most from your Smartphone (Android)      Parenting Grown Children
         Do you have an Android phone? Attend a crash course on daily smartphone   Being a parent doesn't stop at eighteen, as parents of adult children I know.
         operations, from the very basics to using your contacts, email, browsing the   We will explore the complexities, joys, trials, and tribulations between
         internet, adjusting settings, and more! The first session will include a general   parents and adult children and learn some skills and perspectives that can be
         overview on many subjects. Requests will be taken for topics to explore   helpful in building stronger and healthier relationships. (Marilyn)
         in the second session. Come with something specific you'd like to learn!
         (Galena)                                            2/4-2/18 (3)   T         10-11:30 am   ES32615
                                                              Dogwood     ID/AP: $60   SD: $54      OD: $75
        2/11-2/18 (2)   T        9:30-11:30 am   ES35606     5/6-5/20 (3)   T         10-11:30 am   ES42615
         Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $40   SD: $36       OD: $50       Dogwood     ID/AP: $60   SD: $54      OD: $75
        4/15-4/22 (2)   T        9:30-11:30 am   ES45606
         Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $40   SD: $36       OD: $50       Photography I
         Getting the Most from your Smartphone (iPhone)       Learn the basics of composition, lighting, and camera settings to capture
                                                              stunning images. From landscapes to portraits, explore various photography
         Do you have an iPhone? Attend a crash course on daily smartphone   genres and techniques. Receive hands-on guidance from experienced
         operations, from the very basics to using your contacts, email, browsing the   instructors to unleash your creative potential. Join us and start capturing
         internet, adjusting settings, and more! The first session will include a general   moments that tell your unique story through the lens! (Bob)
         overview on many subjects. Requests will be taken for topics to explore
         in the second session. Come with something specific you'd like to learn!   1/8-3/19 (11)   W   10:45 am-12:15 pm  ES35602
         (Galena)                                             Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $204   SD: $183.50   OD: $255
                                                             4/2-5/28 (9)   W         10:45 am-12:15 pm  ES45603A
        2/13-2/20 (2)   Th       9:30-11:30 am   ES35607      Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $168   SD: $151    OD: $210
         Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $40   SD: $36       OD: $50
        4/7-4/14 (2)   M         9:30-11:30 am   ES45607
         Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $40   SD: $36       OD: $50       Photography II
                                                              Take better pictures. Learn the settings on your camera and how they affect
                       TECH SUPPORT                           the quality of your photographs. There will be field trips and class will meet
                                                              off site occasionally. For a week-to-week schedule, please contact the
         Meet one-on-one with an expert to discuss and troubleshoot smartphone   office. Lab time provided during class. Photography I class as a prerequisite
         and commputer issues                                 is preferred, or instructor approval. (Bob)
        Thursdays – By appointment at the front desk         1/8-3/19 (11)   W        9-10:30 am    ES35603
        Appointment Times: 9am / 9:45am / 10:30am             Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $204   SD: $183.50   OD: $255
                                                             4/2-5/28 (9)   W         9-10:30 am    ES45604A
                                                              Cedar Rm    ID/AP: $168   SD: $151    OD: $210
         Laughter Sessions                                    Piano for Beginners I
         Well, we all have heard of the old saying laughter is the best medicine.   Embark on your musical journey with our beginner piano lessons. Learn
         Join us for some much-needed relaxation and rejuvenation with this weekly   the fundamentals of playing the piano in a supportive and encouraging
         Laughter Therapy class. We will decrease tension, stress and will boost our   environment. From mastering basic melodies to understanding essential
         morale and well-being utilizing a combination of laughter exercises, play,   music theory, this class sets a strong foundation for your musical
         affirmation, breathing, and mindfulness. You choose to play at your own   exploration. No prior experience necessary
         level, ability, passion and willingness. (Stefano)
        1/13-3/3 (6)   M         1-2:30 pm      ES35601      1/6-3/10 (10)   M        9-10:30 am    ES34612
         Willow      ID/AP: $75   SD: $67.50    OD: $93.75    Dogwood     ID/AP: $293   SD: $263.50   OD: $366.25
        4/14-5/19 (6)   M        1-2:30 pm      ES45601A     3/31-6/2 (9)   M         9-10:30 am    ES44612A
         Willow      ID/AP: $75   SD: $67.50    OD: $93.75    Dogwood     ID/AP: $264   SD: $237.50   OD: $330

        Fees: ID/AP=User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment      SD=Senior Discount       OD=Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
        110             Winter & Spring 2025 Activities Guide   Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
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