Page 98 - thprd_2025_Summer_AG_web1
P. 98

Sunset Swim Center                                                           503-629-6315

         Baby/Toddler & Me                                   Lifeguard Training
         No class 6/19, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6.
                                                            7/1-7/3   T/W/Th  9 am-5 pm   $260   $325   SS152001
        6/16-7/16   M/W   5:20-5:50 pm   $67   $83.75  SS140019
        7/21-8/20   M/W   5:20-5:50 pm   $67   $83.75  SS140020  Camps
        6/17-7/17   T/Th   5:20-5:50 pm   $61   $76.25  SS140034
        7/22-8/21   T/Th   5:20-5:50 pm   $67   $83.75  SS140035  Date  Day  Time      ID/AP     OD  Class#
        6/21-8/23   S   10-10:30 am   $61   $76.25  SS140041
        6/15-8/17   Su   3:25-3:55 pm   $61   $76.25  SS140047  Camp Sunset
                                                             Camp Sunset is a half day water focused camp. Each day at camp your
                                                             child will enjoy crafts, outdoor activates, and water time! While in the
         Teen/Adult Swimming Skills                          pool your camper will take part in a group swim lesson taught by our
                                                             experienced swim instructors in addition to open swim! No class 6/19.
         No class 6/19, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6.
                                                            6/16-6/18   M-W   9 am-12 pm   $166   $207.50  SS180000
        6/16-7/16   M/W   7:25-7:55 pm   $101   $126.25  SS150026  6/23-6/26   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180001
        7/21-8/20   M/W   7:25-7:55 pm   $101   $126.25  SS150027  7/7-7/10   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180003
        6/16-7/16   M/W   8-8:30 pm   $101   $126.25  SS150028  7/14-7/17   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180004
        7/21-8/20   M/W   8-8:30 pm   $101   $126.25  SS150029  7/21-7/24   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180005
        6/15-8/17   Su   3:25-3:55 pm   $92   $115   SS150047
                                                            7/28-7/31   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180006
                                                            8/4-8/7   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180007
         Private Lessons                                    8/11-8/14   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180008
         No class 6/19, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6.                      8/18-8/21   M-Th   9 am-12 pm   $197   $246.25  SS180009
        6/16-6/27   M-F   12-12:30 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160000  Kids Fit & Fun Camp
        6/30-7/11   M-F   12-12:30 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160001
        7/14-7/25   M-F   12-12:30 pm   $500   $625   SS160002  School may be out but fun is in! Join us as we take your regular P.E. class
                                                             to the next level. We'll play games and challenges that focus on team work
        7/28-8/8   M-F   12-12:30 pm   $500   $625   SS160003  and positive mindsets, to speed and balance, and everything in between.
        8/11-8/22   M-F   12-12:30 pm   $500   $625   SS160004  It's the perfect blend of play and learning, all while enjoying the fresh air!
        6/16-6/27   M-F   12:35-1:05 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160005  Bring a snack and water bottle every day.
        6/30-7/11   M-F   12:35-1:05 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160006
        7/14-7/25   M-F   12:35-1:05 pm   $500   $625   SS160007  7/7-7/17   M-Th   12-2 pm   $144   $180   SS130008
        7/28-8/8   M-F   12:35-1:05 pm   $500   $625   SS160008
        8/11-8/22   M-F   12:35-1:05 pm   $500   $625   SS160009
        6/16-6/27   M-F   1:20-1:50 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160010
        6/30-7/11   M-F   1:20-1:50 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160011
        7/14-7/25   M-F   1:20-1:50 pm   $500   $625   SS160012
        7/28-8/8   M-F   1:20-1:50 pm   $500   $625   SS160013
        8/11-8/22   M-F   1:20-1:50 pm   $500   $625   SS160014
        6/16-7/16   M/W   5:20-5:50 pm   $500   $625   SS160019
        7/21-8/20   M/W   5:20-5:50 pm   $500   $625   SS160020
        6/17-7/17   T/Th   5:20-5:50 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160034
        7/22-8/21   T/Th   5:20-5:50 pm   $500   $625   SS160035
        6/15-8/17   Su   3:25-3:55 pm   $450   $562.50  SS160047

         Private Lessons – INTEREST LIST ONLY
        Interested in additional private lesson opportunities? Please add your name to
        the interest list and we will email you if additional times become available.
        Summer Term: SS160099
        Training or Professional Classes
         Date     Day   Time       ID/AP     OD  Class#
         Jr. Lifeguarding

        6/23-6/26   M-Th   9 am-4 pm   $100   $125   SS151001
        8/4-8/7   M-Th   9 am-4 pm   $100   $125   SS151007

        Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
        96             Summer 2025 Activities Guide          Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
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