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Summer Camps
Jenkins Estate Camps 971-258-6743
Jenkins Estate Camps Fish, Forage, Fire! Camp
Learn the art of being a true outdoorsman! Our primary activities
will be fishing, archery and foraging along with skills that help you
Intermediate Wilderness Survival Camp do those things well. Learn and develop diverse skill sets of food
No prerequisites needed. Full day of building survival skills and acquisition! Fish lessons, as allows, will include baiting, cleaning
testing yourself against real life survival scenarios! Skills taught/ and cooking as well as gear, casting and, of course, fishing.
practiced include shelters, fire safety/building, knife safety, Foraging will include plant ID and how to safely harvest in various
tracking, foraging teamwork, traps, orienteering, cordage and seasons. Archery practice will occur several times throughout the
knots, and primitive skills. We dive even deeper into skills the week with an emphasis on safety, practical use, and form. Bring
group finds most engaging. Our goal is building initiative, self- appropriate clothing, snacks, and lunch.
control, and judgment skills while connecting with the natural 6/23-6/27 (1) M-F 9 am-4 pm 8-13 yrs JE17201
world and having fun. The week ends with an exciting final Meadow ID/AP: $406 OD: $507.50
scenario and a certificate of achievement. No prerequisites. Bring 8/4-8/8 (1) M-F 9 am-4 pm 8-13 yrs JE17204
appropriate clothing, water shoes, bug spray, snacks, and lunch. Meadow ID/AP: $406 OD: $507.50
No Camp 6/19
6/16-6/20 (1) M/T/W/F 9 am-4 pm 8-11 yrs JE17200
Main House-Dining Room ID/AP: $285.50 OD: $356.75
7/14-7/18 (1) M-F 9 am-4 pm 8-11 yrs JE17202
Meadow ID/AP: $371 OD: $463.75
8/18-8/22 (1) M-F 9 am-4 pm 8-11 yrs JE17205
Meadow ID/AP: $371 OD: $463.75
Sew & Design: Doll Making Camp
Students are invited to dive into the exciting world of fashion
design in this camp! Guided by designer Oxana Ake, students will
learn to sketch, hand-sew, and create their own dolls complete
Bush Crafting (Nature Makers) Camp with stylish outfits. This class goes beyond crafting—students will
Build. Cool. Stuff. This camp is all about tool use, creativity, and explore the history and traditions of dolls, discover the stories
engineering. Each day we will introduce a new building project behind them, and learn how to turn their inspiration into unique
that participants will work on throughout the week to bring home. designs. They'll create doll bodies, design clothing, and even use
Projects are generally themed for camping and outdoors. We even recycled fabrics to promote sustainability and creativity. No prior
try to build the tools we will use to build the other things! Projects sewing experience is needed—just imagination and enthusiasm!
may include creating a wood baton, natural fiber cordage, hand 6/23-6/27 (1) M-F 9 am-2 pm 8-12 yrs JE17206
carved wood spoon and/or bowl, paracord survival bracelets or Main House-Living Room ID/AP: $270 OD: $337.50
belts, dream catchers, feather sticks, natural dye projects, walking 7/28-7/31 (1) M/T/W/Th 9 am-2 pm 8-12 yrs JE17207
sticks, fishing spears/traps, and more. Projects vary depending Main House-Living Room ID/AP: $270 OD: $337.50
on instructor and group/individual interest. Participants practice
focus, follow through, patience, and develop problem solving and
common sense as they work through projects.
7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 9 am-4 pm 8-12 yrs JE17203
Meadow ID/AP: $372 OD: $465
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid) Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District 57