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Summer Camps
Garden Home Recreation Center 503-629-6341
Fitness Camps Wildlife Wonders using LEGO ®
Design and build your way through the animal kingdom, from
Weight Training Camp sea to safari, using tens of thousands of LEGO® parts. With the
guidance of an experienced Play-Well instructor, you’ll recreate
Are you going out for a sport this fall? Want to get a head start diverse habitats while crafting animals in their natural surroundings.
on conditioning? Come join us this summer and become a strong Your animal adventure awaits! Bring a snack and water bottle daily.
and fit athlete. This camp will focus on weight training! Get ready 8/18-8/22 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 5-7 yrs GH16224
for time in the weight room in addition to games, agility drills and Rm F ID/AP: $249 OD: $311.25
conditioning. Develop your speed, power and agility!
8/4-8/14 (2) M/T/W/Th 12-2 pm 11-14 yrs GH12110 Design Challenges using LEGO
WtRm ID/AP: $169 OD: $211.25
Ready to put your skills to the test? Join our instructors as they
guide you through the fundamentals of mechanisms that will
LEGO Camps inspire your creativity, then, it’s your turn to innovate! Working with
unique design parameters, you'll construct structures and vehicles,
push them to their limits, and see what they can withstand.
Compete head-to-head and put real-world concepts into action
Minecraft explorers using LEGO ® with exciting LEGO® challenges! Bring a snack and water bottle
Venture into the world of Minecraft in our unique LEGO® daily.
experience. Get ready to build your base, craft your tools, use 8/18-8/22 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs GH16225
your Minecart to harvest raw resources, and battle to stop the Rm F ID/AP: $249 OD: $311.25
Ender Dragon from ending the world. Come explore the endless
possibilities of LEGO® with a trained Play-Well instructor. Bring
a snack and water bottle daily. No Camp on 7/4. Imagination Adventures
6/30-7/3 (1) M/T/W/Th 9 am-12 pm 5-7 yrs GH16220
Rm F ID/AP: $199 OD: $248.75 Imagination Adventures is a unique co-creative Live Action Role
Play storytelling experience that allows campers to become the
heroes of their own epic adventures. Campers will create their
Minecraft Masters using LEGO ® own original character in our one-of-a-kind game system, earn
Bring your favorite Minecraft adventures to life with our experience points to use on epic powers, and get exercise in an
enthusiastic Play-Well instructors. In a Minecraft world powered by outdoor environment, all the while learning important soft skills in
LEGO® resources, we will build shelters to keep out Creepers, a fun and rewarding gamified experience. "We aim to empower
craft mystical items that only true masters can wield, and perfect every adventurer to be the hero of their own story." Camp sizes
our crossbow skills to stop the Wither from taking over! If you can are smaller to allow for more individual instruction.
imagine it, we can build it. Bring a snack and water bottle daily.
6/30-7/3 (1) M/T/W/Th 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs GH16221 Imagination Adventures: The Lost City of Elves
Rm F ID/AP: $199 OD: $248.75 An archeological expedition seeks to prove the existence of an
underground offshoot of elves from a long ago civil war. Help
Pokémon Explorers using LEGO ® them further their knowledge and uncover long hidden secrets!
Calling all Pokémon trainers! With the Pokémon Championship 7/28-8/1 (1) M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm 6-14 yrs GH16206
approaching, join our enthusiastic Play-Well Instructors as we Field A ID/AP: $425 OD: $531.25
build and catch our favorite Pokémon, rescue Pikachu from Team
Rocket, take a ride on the S.S. Anne to uncover rare and mystic Imagination Adventures: Palace of Time
Pokémon, and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokémon A shifting palace has been spotted in the desert. It is rumored to
Master. Come along on our journey to catch 'em all!! Bring a snack contain a magical item that could topple kingdoms. Find it and
and water bottle daily. ensure it remains safe!
8/11-8/15 (1) M-F 9 am-12 pm 5-7 yrs GH16222 8/4-8/8 (1) M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm 6-14 yrs GH16207
Rm F ID/AP: $249 OD: $311.25
Field A ID/AP: $425 OD: $531.25
Pokémon Masters using LEGO ® Imagination Adventures: Mage University Rivalry
LEGO® Master, I choose you!! In the race to be crowned the The two Mage Universities of Orenwood have long been rivals,
Ultimate Pokémon Champion, we need your help! Learn to build but they are now sparring on the streets over an artifact both
your favorite Pokémon, level up by teaching them special moves, schools lay claim to. Help them solve their differences and learn
evolve them into more powerful versions, and come face to face about the artifact, before it's too late!
with the current champion in an epic battle for the title. Learn 8/11-8/15 (1) M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm 6-14 yrs GH16208
from our Play-Well Pokémon Masters so you can make it to the
top! Bring a snack and water bottle daily. Field A ID/AP: $425 OD: $531.25
8/11-8/15 (1) M-F 1-4 pm 7-12 yrs GH16223
Rm F ID/AP: $249 OD: $311.25
Fees: ID/AP = User is in district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out of district (no assessment paid) Summer Camps 2025 Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District 45