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General Information
Am I in-district? Class Observation Guidelines
THPRD invites parents/guardians to observe class activities from
Live out of district? inside the classroom/gymnasium on the first and last days of the
Patrons outside the district, including out-of-town guests, are term. Otherwise, we encourage parents/guardians to remain
invited to enjoy THPRD programs by choosing between two outside the classroom/gymnasium for the best instructional
payment options: environment for the children. Off-site programs require a parent/
guardian to be present at all times if the child is younger than 10
Pay a 25% premium for each class, drop-in activity, fitness pass years of age. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these
or program. Typically, out-of-district (OD) rates are listed in this guidelines, please feel free to speak to the instructor or program
activities guide. This option may not be used for facility rentals. coordinator. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Please note that out-of-district patrons are ineligible to receive Inclement Weather
discounts provided to in-district youth, seniors, military families
and guests with physical or developmental disabilities. THPRD programs, classes and sponsored activities may be
delayed or canceled if weather conditions warrant. For the latest
OR information on THPRD aquatic and recreation center operations
during inclement weather, sign up for text alerts by texting "join"
Pay an assessment fee (currently $142.50 per quarter) that allows to 833-340-0174 to subscribe. We will also post notices on www.
all household members to receive in-district rates on all THPRD, social media and provide info to news media.
classes, drop-in activities, fitness passes and other programs for
any single term or an entire year. Dressing Rooms
It is requested that all individuals age 6 and over use the locker
Out-of-district registration dates: room that is most aligned with their affirmed gender. Please check
Summer registration at 8am on Monday, April 14. with front desk staff if you have any questions.
If you use a THPRD shower but do not participate in a paid activity, a
$3 fee will be charged.
Cancellations, Discounts and Refunds
Delays, Closures and Refunds deposit. An approved request will Military Discount
Changes THPRD’s policy is to refund monies be refunded on a THPRD gift card. All in-district individuals and their
Occasionally centers will be closed collected for services, in a timely A deposit of $30 per week will dependents (with government-
or schedules changed or delayed manner, whether initiated by the be charged for camps. Camp issued identification/documents)
due to special events or makeup district or the participant. deposits are nonrefundable and who are currently serving or have
classes. We make every effort to If a longer refund request period nontransferable. served (active duty, National Guard,
announce any change in advance. is necessary, it will be noted in the Tennis Courts Reserves, veterans and retirees) in
We strive to provide a clean facility class description and activities guide Requests to drop or change a the U.S. military (Army, Navy, Air
for your enjoyment, and annual and on the patron invoice. No credit reservation for a tennis court must Force, Marines and Coast Guard)
closures are required for major will be applied to the participant’s be made two days prior to the will receive a 10% discount on
repairs and cleaning. THPRD registration account with reservation for a full refund. qualifying programs and services.
Full or Canceled Classes less than the required notice. Discounts
For a complete copy of the THPRD When Discounts Do Not
All programs operate with a cancellation and refund policy, Discounts are available to in-district Apply
minimum enrollment requirement please visit patrons only. No discounts are available for
and maximum enrollment capacities. A patron representing multiple non-subsidized district activities.
The district reserves the right Classes protected classes – for example, These include but are not limited to
to cancel, change or combine Requests to drop or change a class a 65-year-old military veteran – private lessons, facility rentals, trips,
programs. Classes will not be must be made five days prior to would not be eligible for multiple childcare, concessions, merchandise
canceled within 72 hours of the the first day of class to receive a full discounts. and special events.
start date except in extraordinary refund minus any applicable fees.
circumstances. When the district Requests made within five days up Senior and Youth Discounts Passes
cancels or postpones a class, the to the start date will be refunded on A 10% discount is available at all Deluxe and general passes are non-
total fee will be credited to the a THRPD gift card. THPRD facilities for in-district refundable and non-transferable. No
participant’s THPRD registration After a patron's second cancellation patrons 65 years and older, except refunts given for deluxe or general
account. in a term, a cancellation fee of $10 at the Stuhr Center, where a passes.
will be charged if canceled five days discount is already included in the
Waiting Lists before, and $20 if within five days. price. Youth discounts apply to daily Please note: Gift card
Once a class is filled, a waiting list Camps admissions and passes (no discounts purchases are nonrefundable.
will be created. Note: Even if an Requests to drop or change a camp on classes) to children between The only exception is for
additional class is created, it may registration must be made at least the ages of 1 and 17. The youth balances less than $5. Patrons
not be at the same time or day as 14 days prior to the start of the discount rate is the same as the who qualify for this exception
the waiting list class. camp to receive a full refund minus senior discount rate. must request the refund.